beBee background
교육 훈련
Erline Miclisse

Erline Miclisse

Biological Science Major
서울특별시, Seoul


Erline Miclisse에 대해:

Hello! My name is Erline Miclisse; I was born in Haiti and immigrated into the United Sates when I was just seven years old. I am a pre med track senior in the US looking for English teaching job in Korea to immerse myself in the rich in culture of Korean society. Thank you for your time!


My professional experience lies in the the hospital system for the majority of my experiences.


In my Bachelors of Science degree, i am very familiar and had to take various English learning and writing classes to fulfill my degree audit.

Erline Miclisse와 동일한 교육 훈련 섹터 출신의 전문가

서울특별시, Seoul 주변의 다양한 분야의 전문가

작업 주변 서울특별시, Seoul

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