beBee background
회계 및 재무
yves junior Zate

yves junior Zate

an accountant
서울특별시, Seoul


yves junior Zate에 대해:

Hello sir madam I am ZATE Yves Junior, graduated from high school in my country in accounting, I teach and work as an accountant, I am someone who is determined, diligent and curious. the environment in which I live I quickly become familiar with it culturally, professionally, I also for a team spirit and sharing as well as refined discovery, I would like to discover more of your culture because it is a country intellectually developing and move forward, I would put my courage and my patience at the disposal of the company, which will make me an asset and potential employer, I have a fairly good command of the French and English languages, I am someone who learns very quickly so learn Korean will be a beneficial and wise choice for me


Enseignant de Comptabilité et de mathématique financière dans des établissements
secondaires techniques et des grandes écoles privées de Côte d’Ivoire :
 2021-2022 : Enseignant de comptabilité à l’école supérieure ESTIME
Yopougon Andokoi
 2020-2021 : Enseignant de Technique Quantitative de Gestion TQG et
de Mathématique Financière au Collège Technique Sainte Solange,
Yopougon Andokoi
 2020-2021 : Enseignant de comptabilité à l’école supérieure ESTIME
Yopougon Andokoi
 2019-2020 : Enseignant de comptabilité à l’école supérieure ESTIME
Yopougon Andokoi
 2019-2020 : Enseignant de Mathématique Financière à l’ISTG Saint
Pierre Marie, Yopougon Maroc
 2019-2020 : Enseignant de Technique Quantitative de Gestion TQG et
de Mathématique Financière au Collège Technique Sainte Solange,
Yopougon Andokoi
Reference : M. SALIA KOUAKOU (Administrateur Général) 
Reference : M. YANN TIKA (Directeur des Etudes) 


2017-2018 Ecole de Commerce et de Gestion (ECG), Abidjan Koumassi Zone 4

 Licence Professionnelle (BAC +3), Finances Comptabilité
2013-2015 International High Business Institute (IHBI), YAMOUSSOUKRO

 Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BAC +2), Finances Comptabilité et Gestion
d’Entreprises (FCGE)
2012-2013 Collège Challenge, OURAGAHIO

yves junior Zate와 동일한 회계 및 재무 섹터 출신의 전문가

서울특별시, Seoul 주변의 다양한 분야의 전문가

작업 주변 서울특별시, Seoul



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